
Carbaryl Model : 100g/L SC, 85%WP

  • Description

Carbaryl (CAS: 63-25-2) is an insecticide with a variety of uses including worm removal and fruit thinning.

Carbaryl   Mode of action
Insecticide with contact and stomach action, and slight systemic properties.

Carbaryl Uses
Control of Lepidoptera, Coleoptera, and other chewing and sucking insects, at 0.25–2.0 kg/ha, on more than 120 different crops, including vegetables, tree fruit (including citrus), mangoes, bananas, strawberries, nuts, vines, olives, okra, cucurbits, peanuts, soya beans, cotton, rice, tobacco, cereals, beet, maize, sorghum, alfalfa, potatoes, ornamentals, forestry, etc. Control of earthworms in turf. Used as a growth regulator for fruit thinning of apples. Also used as an animal ectoparasiticide.

Carbaryl  Applicable crops
vegetables, tree fruit (including citrus), mangoes, bananas, strawberries, nuts, vines, olives, okra, cucurbits, peanuts, soya beans, cotton, rice, tobacco, cereals, beet, maize, sorghum, alfalfa, potatoes, ornamentals, forestry, etc. Control of earthworms in turf. Used as a growth regulator for fruit thinning of apples. Also used as an animal ectoparasiticide.

Carbaryl Available formulation
100g/L SC

Carbaryl  Packing details 
10ML ~200L for liquid formulations, 1G~25KG for solid formulations.