
Diquat Model : 150g/L SL

  • Description
Diquat (CAS: 2764-72-9) is a non-residual bupyridyl herbicide and crop desiccant, normally used as the dibromide salt, to control broad-leaved weeds and grasses.
Diquat Mode of action
Non-selective contact herbicide and desiccant, absorbed by the foliage, with some translocation in the xylem.


Diquat Uses
Pre-harvest desiccation of cotton, flax, alfalfa, clover, lupins, oilseed rape, poppies, soya beans, peas, beans, sunflowers, cereals, maize, rice, sugar beet and other seed crops; destruction of potato haulms; and stripping of hops. Control of annual broad-leaved weeds in vines, pome fruit, stone fruit, bush fruit, strawberries (also control of runners), citrus fruit, olives, hops, vegetables, ornamental plants and shrubs, and other crops. Control of emergent and submerged aquatic weeds. Weed control on non-crop land. Weed control and tassel inhibition in sugar cane. Application rates 400–1000 g/ha.


Diquat Applicable crops
Potatoes; Oilseed rape; Fruit including apples, pears, peaches, plums, citrus, olive, grapes; Tomatoes; Sunflowers; Vegetables including beans & peas, carrots, onions, chicory; Sugarbeet


Diquat Available formulation
150g/L SL
Packaging details
Customized 10ML ~200L for liquid formulations, 1G~25KG for solid formulations.