Oxadiazon (CAS No.19666-30-9) is a selective contact herbicide.
Oxadiazon Useage Oxadiazon is used for pre-emergence controlling of bindweed, annual broad-leaved weeds and grasses, and post-emergence control of bindweed and annual broad-leaved weeds, in carnations, gladioli, roses, fruit trees and bushes (including citrus), vines, ornamental trees and shrubs, hops, cotton, rice, soya beans, sunflowers, onions, and turf. Effective against mono- and dicotyledonous weeds in rice, at c. 1 kg/ha; in orchards and vineyards, at 2 kg/ha post-em. or 4 kg/ha pre-em.
Oxadiazon Phytotoxicity Carnations are tolerant of over-the-top, post-emergence application. Not to be used on red fescue, bentgrass turf, dichronda or centipedegrass.