

Paraquat Model : 200g/L SL, 420g/L TK

  • Description
Paraquat (CAS: 4685-14-7) is a herbicide used to control common weeds in a wide range of agricultural and amenity situations
Paraquat Mode of action
Non-selective contact herbicide, absorbed by the foliage, with some translocation in the xylem.


Paraquat Uses
Broad-spectrum control of broad-leaved weeds and grasses in fruit orchards (including citrus), plantation crops (bananas, coffee, cocoa palms, coconut palms, oil palms, rubber, etc.), vines, olives, tea, alfalfa, onions, leeks, sugar beet, asparagus, ornamental trees and shrubs, in forestry, etc. Also used for general weed control on non-crop land; as a defoliant for cotton and hops; for destruction of potato haulms; as a desiccant for pineapples, sugar cane, soya beans and sunflowers; for strawberry runner control; and in pasture renovation. For control of annual weeds, applied at 0.4–1.0 kg ion/ha.


Paraquat Applicable crops
Rice; Lucerne; Beans & peas; Hops; Vineyards; Potaoes; Non-cropped areas such as roadways, paths


Paraquat Available formulation
200g/L SL, 420g/L TK
Packaging details
Customized 10ML ~200L for liquid formulations, 1G~25KG for solid formulations.