
Penoxsulam Model : 25g/L OD

  • Description
Penoxsulam (CAS: 219714-96-2) is a post-emergence herbicide used on rice crops for the control of broad-leaved weeds, aquatic weeds and certain grasses.
Penoxsulam Mode of action
Absorbed mainly via leaves, and secondarily via roots, and is translocated in both phloem and xylem. Symptoms include almost immediate growth inhibition, a chlorotic growing point with necrosis of the terminal bud, resulting in plant death in 2 to 4 weeks. Applied pre-emergence, post-emergence and water-applied.


Penoxsulam Uses
Provides control of Echinochloa spp., as well as many broad-leaved, sedge and aquatic weeds (such as Alisma plantago-aquatica, Ammania coccinea, Cyperus difformis and Scirpus mucronatus) in rice. Penoxsulam provides residual weed control, depending on soil type and use rate, and is rainfast within 1 hour of application. In tropical rice, application will be at 10–15 g/ha; in temperate rice, 20–50 g/ha. Primary use will be a post-emergence application in dry-seeded, water-seeded and transplanted rice.


Penoxsulam Applicable crops
Lawns; Rice; Cereals; Orchards; Olives


Penoxsulam Available formulation
25g/L OD
Packaging details
Customized 10ML ~200L for liquid formulations, 1G~25KG for solid formulations.