
Propineb Model : 70%WP

  • Description
Propineb (CAS: 12071-83-9) is a foliar-applied fungicide with long residual activity used on a wide range of agricultural crops.
Propineb Mode of action
Basic foliar fungicide with protective action. Conidia or germinating conidia are killed by contact.
Propineb Uses
Control of downy mildew, black rots, red fire disease and grey mould on vines; scab and brown rot on apples and pears; leaf spot diseases on stone fruit; Alternaria and Phytophthora Blights, downy mildew, Septoria leaf spot, and leaf mould in tomatoes; Phytophthora and Alternaria Blights of potatoes; downy mildew (blue mould) on tobacco; rusts and leaf spot diseases on ornamentals; and rusts, leaf spot diseases and downy mildews on vegetables. Also used on citrus fruit and berry fruit, rice and tea. Propineb shows a plant health effect in crops sensitive to zinc deficiency (e.g. rice). Applied at 0.84–1.4 g/ha for grapes and fruit trees, at 0.84–2.1 g/ha for vegetables and at 1400–1750 g/ha for potatoes.

Propineb Applicable crops
Grapes; Tomatoes; Potatoes; Pome fruit; Onions; Melons; bell peppers
Propineb Available formulation


Packaging details
Customized 10ML-200L for liquid formulations, 1G-25KG for solid formulations.