
Niclosamide ethanolamine Model : 250g/L SC, 5% GR, 11.9g/L SO, 83.1% WP

  • Description

Niclosamide ethanolamine 5% GR


Niclosamide ethanolamine is a phenolic organic molluscicide, which has a strong killing effect on oncomelania eggs and oncomelanias. Can effectively control a variety of mollusks including oncomelanias, viviparidae, snails, slugs, etc.



Usage scenes Target Dosage Usage
Mudflat Oncomelania 20-40g/m2 Broadcast


Niclosamide ethanolamine 250g/L SC


Niclosamide ethanolamine has stomach action and has a long lasting effect, but the effect is slow, so there is a phenomenon of oncomelania climbing after spraying. The method of spraying and dipping can effectively control the oncomelanias on the tidal flats and ditches, and reduce the infection of schistosomiasis.



Usage scenes Target Dosage Usage
Mudflat Oncomelania 2-4ml/m2 Spray
Ditch Oncomelania 2-4ml/m2 Soaking