

Tridemorph Model : 675g/L EC

  • Description
Tridemorph (CAS: 81412-43-3) is a fungicide used to control the fungus Erysiphe graminis in cereals and a range of other diseases.
Tridemorph Mode of action
Systemic fungicide with eradicant action. Absorbed by the leaves and roots, giving some protective action.
Tridemorph Uses
Control of Erysiphe graminis in cereals, Mycosphaerella spp. in bananas, Corticium salmonicolor and Exobasidium vexans in tea, and Oidium heveae in hevea. Mixed with carbendazim to extend the spectrum of cereal diseases controlled. Used in spray programs to control the fungal diseases Mycosphaerella fijiensis (black sigatoka) and Mycosphaerella musicola (yellow sigatoka) in banana and plantain production.

Tridemorph Applicable crops
Cereals; Bananas; Tea; Vegetables; Ornamentals
Tridemorph Available formulation
675g/L EC


Packaging details
Customized 10ML-200L for liquid formulations, 1G-25KG for solid formulations.